“I always get to where I am going by walking away from where I have been.”
— Winnie the Pooh
Remember all of the life lessons passed on to us through cartoons while growing up? One of my favorites was from a Flintstone's episode, "Let the Sun Shine In." Here is a great acoustic version. Even Woodsy the Owl encouraged us to "Give a hoot. Don't pollute!"
I love Elsa's message from the movie Frozen, "Let it Go." Even if you have not seen the movie, you most likely have heard the song. If you have little ones, I may have struck a nerve. 😁 I love songs that empower us to be our best. That's where I find inspiration and motivation. Elsa's message to 'let it go' is one of my favorite mantras. Elsa gets deep too! "My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around." ❄😍❄

The message I get from the song is similar to the one from my favorite Beatles songs, "Let it be." To me, truer words of wisdom have never been whispered. I used to take things personally. How dare you criticize or judge me? It was very exhausting and destructive to my well-being. I used to need to get in the last word. Now I let it go. I used to relive past mishaps in my head. Now I let it be. It's very freeing!
I also choose to not take on emotional baggage from people who struggle carrying their own. I encourage them to not be so hard on themselves or drain their energy with so many negative emotions, without at least having a healthy outlet or release for those feelings. If only they could learn to let go of the emotional baggage. The weight of the world could feel so much lighter! The future could look much brighter!
I only say this because I did this. I escaped a past of drowning myself in negative emotions that led to self-loathing and contempt for others. It was not healthy. It forced me to become obsessed with creating my life instead of allowing it to happen to me. It's also tough to build a future for ourselves when we keep looking in the rearview or listening to that one friend we all have, Misery, who just wants company. I don't let the mishaps or the naysayers get to me. Instead, I get like Elsa and "Let it go." And I get like the Beatles and "Let it be." Life has never been better.
More Wellness!
Healthline: How to Let Go of Things from the Past - 12 Tips
Very Well Mind: How to Let Go of Negativity and Stress